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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

List professional meeting(s), course(s), workshop(s), seminar(s), and/or institute in your discipline you will attend within the current academic year (2%)


Upcoming 2022-2023 

A.. SC Information Literacy Conference

B.. 2022 Open Education Conference

C. Numerous Spingshare webinars

D. Numerous vendor database trainings and webinars

E. SCLA conference

F. Basic Photography II 

Presenter: Mr. Avery Daniels, ’06

April 7, 2022 (National Library Week)

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Location: via Zoom


G. Part II: Beyond the basics: using best practices

when creating more guides.

Presenter: Ms. Faith Keller, ’05

April 14, 2022

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Location: via Zoom


H.  Summer 2022 eFellows Online Teaching course