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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

Describe any recent developments and advances in your discipline, and how you will remain informed through reading professional journals, magazines, and books (1%)

During this digital age as a faculty librarian there is advancement in a new programs in the following areas:

  • Open Electronic Resources (OER) - using open access electronic resources in the classroom to reduce student cost for textbooks.
  • The Roving Librarian- utilizing laptop computers to meet students where they are physically located outside of the reference area (study rooms, 2nd and 3rd floors of the library, dormitories, and student center, etc.)

I will remain informed on library though using databases including:

The Library Research Round Table (LRRT): Mission is to contribute toward the extension and improvement of library research; to provide public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects and for disseminating their findings; to inform and educate ALA members concerning research techniques and their usefulness in obtaining information with which to reach administrative decisions and solve problems; and expand the theoretical base of the field. LRRT also serves as a forum for discussion and action on issues related to the literature and information needs for the field of library and information science.

Information Technology and Libraries: publishes original material related to all aspects of information technology in all types of libraries. Topic areas include, but are not limited to, library automation, digital libraries, metadata, identity management, distributed systems and networks, computer security, intellectual property rights, technical standards, geographic information systems, desktop applications, information discovery tools, web-scale library services, cloud computing, digital preservation, data curation, virtualization, search-engine optimization, emerging technologies, social networking, open data, the semantic web, mobile services and applications, usability, universal access to technology, library consortia, vendor relations, and digital humanities.


Roving Librarian Schedule

From: Cooper Mack, Cathi Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 2:49 PM To: Daniels, Avery <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Keitt, Mykisha <>; Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: Draft Roving Librarian Schedule
Greetings Everyone,
Please look at the attached draft Roving Library schedule for the two weeks prior to final examination period and provide feedback by Monday, March 21, 2022. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best Regards,