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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

Identify appropriate print and technology resources you will use to meet the needs of library users in bibliographic instruction, research study sessions, and other educational endeavors (6)

  • The Library Databases contain scholarly journals, e-books, dissertations (electronic and print) etc., are used to provide bibliographic instructions;
  • These library resources and services are used in curricular subject disciplines with related content;
  • Library instruction classes which focus on the skills needed to help users become information literate, 


Examples of using  Library Databases containing scholarly journals, e-books, dissertations (electronic and print) etc., are used to provide bibliographic instructions in English (under the following tabs: Your Research Questions, Find Background Information, and Find Sources), Performing Arts (under the following tabs: Databases for Performing Arts, Newspaper Databases, and Books) and Visual Arts (under the following tabs: Home page, Newspaper databases and Books) Libguides:

These library resources and services in the Libguides are used in curricular subject disciplines with related content;