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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

2. Provide examples of how you will deliver information to students, faculty, and staff in an effective and timely manner and follow-up strategies used (6%)

  • Strategy !- plan to develop training opportunities for library reference department in the use of new information to assist users in making effective use of existing and new resources;
  • Strategy 2- Plan to encourage, maintain, and increase reference staff annual participation in relevant external and internal workshops and seminars identified as important for their professional development;

Email examples of training opportunities for library reference department in the use of new information to assist users in making effective use of existing and new resources and encouraging, maintaining, and increasing reference staff annual participation in relevant external and internal workshops and seminars identified as important for their professional development by organizing a 2-day Open Educational Resources workshop for librarians with speaker Mary Jo Fayoyin from Savannah State University:

Wed 8/25/2021 3:49 PM

  Mary Jo Fayoyin <>

From: Till, Ashley L.

Good afternoon Mary Jo,
It was great talking to you today and thank you for agreeing to be our speaker at our upcoming Workshop on "How to successfully advocate for OER on your campus" on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 and Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 2 pm. I look forward to working with you!

From: Mary Jo Fayoyin <> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 3:43 PM To: Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: OER presentation

Hello Ashley,
Thank you for your call today.  I will touch base with you with an outline of discussion points in a couple of weeks.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Mary Jo Fayoyin 
Dean, Retired
Savannah State University 

Article from newsletter about OER workshop

How to Successfully Advocate for OER on Your Campus Workshop Submitted by Ashley L. Till 

 On September 28 and 29, 2021, Avery L. Daniels, Doris Felder, Dr. Ruth A Hodges, Cathi Mack, and Ashley L. Till attended a virtual workshop titled “How to Successfully Advocate for OER on Your Campus” with presenter Mary Jo Fayoyin, retired dean of library from Savannah State University. OER stands for Open Educational Resources. This two day workshop gave tips on how the Miller F. Whittaker Library can use Open Educational Resources at South Carolina State University (SC State) by presenting how an OER project was successfully implemented at Savannah State University (SSU). The workshop provided a framework on how our library could use SSU’s successful implementation of the OER initiative and apply it here at SC State. The workshop included exercises on identifying the primary and secondary stakeholders, including students, faculty, the campus bookstore, alumni, the Registrar's office, and the community. Librarians reviewed both the University and the library’s strategic plans, mission statements, goals, and objectives to use as guidelines for developing an OER on campus strategic plan to successfully advocate for OER at SC State. Librarians also learned the importance of developing credibility with library stakeholders by showcasing its personal skills and attributes, and by being relatively realistic about the deliverables. Ms. Fayoyin taught librarians about the importance of tapping into their passion in telling a story and finding the storytellers who are capable of emphasizing how important it is to have affordable resources on campus. One important piece of advice was to recruit students to help with the project, for example, asking the art department students to help design a logo or getting mass communications students to help with social media.

Professional Development Meetings

The Evolving Role of the Librarian

SC Conference on Information Literacy (SCCIL)

Faculty Development Institution

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop

OER Workshop on "How to successfully advocate for OER on your campus" Part One

OER Workshop on "How to successfully advocate for OER on your campus" Part Two

SCLA conference

Co-Facilitating More Accessible Research for the Hispanic/Latino/Latinx Populations in South Carolina

Part I: Learn the Basic of Creating and Publishing a LibGuides for the First Time on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom with Ms. Faith Keller.

From: Till, Ashley L. <> Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 9:27 AM To: Stokes, Stephanie <>; McDonald, Beatrice E. <>; Daniels, Avery <>; Cooper Mack, Cathi <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Keitt, Mykisha <> Cc: Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Strait, Juanita H. <> Subject: Fw: [DISCUS-L] Discus News: New StudySC

Good morning,

Please see the message below from DISCUS about the new StudySC website.

Thank you, 


From: Patricia Sinclair (South Carolina State Library) <> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 3:41 PM To: Till, Ashley L. <> Cc: Discus-Discussion <> Subject: [DISCUS-L] Discus News: New StudySC

The SC State Library is pleased to announce the new StudySC! This image rich resource of curated materials supports the study of famous SC people, geography, history, facts, glossary of terms, and SC book awards. Students of all ages will find this easy to navigate website useful when studying SC history and culture:

SC Subjects

  • Colonial Development and Settlement
  • Native American studies
  • Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
  • Social change and the Civil Rights movement
  • State and local government organization

SC People

  • Artists
  • Business Leaders
  • Civil Rights Activists
  • Explorers
  • Musicians
  • Political Leaders
  • Scientists

SC Counties – Choose a county from the interactive map to learn about the county’s history, famous people, and cities and towns.

SC Facts – Learn about the state’s “First” facts, symbols, economy, and other items of interest.

SC Glossary – From abolitionist to yoke, the StudySC glossary includes many terms to support student’s understanding of the state’s rich heritage.

SC Book Awards – Author biographies, book reviews, author read alouds, and TeachingBooks support materials for the 2019 – 2023 SC book awards are available for educators and students.

Find StudySC on the Discus A-Z and Discus Kids pages as well as throughout the Subject pages.

StudySC – Know where you live.

Patricia Sinclair, MLIS