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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

3. Provide examples of projects, assignments, tests, bibliographies, and teaching stragies you will use in bibliographic instruction and research study sessions. (6%)

  • The students will be given a pre-test at the beginning of library instruction class and a post-test at the end of each library instruction.
    • The purpose of the tests are to compare the students; performance for a pre-post survey for SACS reporting.
    • The pre-test is intended to obtain information about the students information seeking knowledge and skills prior to a library instruction class.
    • This information is necessary for targeted instruction;
    • The effects of this pretest will help to recognize areas of student strengths and target are of student weaknesses.
    • The post-test will measure the knowledge that the students have gained from the library orientation session.
  • The student will be given a brainstorming map/mind map tool can help the students in their assignment to think in a more critical way and improve their problem solving ability at the same time.
    • The brainstorming assignment will help the the students to generate creative thinking or ideas for logical structure/hierarchy thought for their research papers plan of action.
  • The students will be given a KWL Chart Activity which is a graphic organizer that helps students organize information. KWL stands for "what you know/what you need to know/what you learned:"
    • This KWL assignment is designed for the student to exercise their research skills which will help them develop and to help the students learn more about their topic;
    • This activity will help guide the students though a three-step process to activate background knowledge, develop a purpose of the of the topic of what they are leaning about and summarize the information.

Pre-Test Library Skills Assessment

Circle the most appropriate response


  1.  Which of the following search tools could you use to find a book that is shelved in the Miller F. Whittaker Library?

  • The library's online catalog

  • Google

  • ARTstor

  • Any of the above


  1. Which of the following searches in the library catalog online will find the MOST books?

  • Orangeburg Massacre

  • Orangeburg Massacre AND Cleveland Sellers

  • Orangeburg Massacre OR Cleveland Sellers

  • None of the above


  1. Have you previously attended a Miller F. Whittaker Library orientation ?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure


4. How would you find articles from Scholarly Journals?

  • Miller F. Whittaker Online Databases accessible through the library's website

  • Google and Bing

  • Magazines and newspapers

  • None of the above


5. Information you find on the Internet is usually:

  • More reliable than information you find in books

  • Written by experts

  • Objective and unbiased

  • None of the above


6. An article citation usually includes:

  • Author, title of the article, title of the journal, and date of publication

  • The full-text of the article online

  • The definitions of key terms in the article

  • All of the above


Post-Test Library Skills Assessment

Circle the most appropriate response


  1.  Which of the following search tools could you use to find a book that is shelved in the Miller F. Whittaker Library?

  • The library's online catalog

  • Google

  • ARTstor

  • Any of the above


  1. Which of the following searches in the library catalog online will find the MOST books?

  • Orangeburg Massacre

  • Orangeburg Massacre AND Cleveland Sellers

  • Orangeburg Massacre OR Cleveland Sellers

  • None of the above


  1. Have you previously attended a Miller F. Whittaker Library orientation ?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure


4. How would you find articles from Scholarly Journals?

  • Miller F. Whittaker Online Databases accessible through the library's website

  • Google and Bing

  • Magazines and newspapers

  • None of the above


5. Information you find on the Internet is usually:

  • More reliable than information you find in books

  • Written by experts

  • Objective and unbiased

  • None of the above


6. An article citation usually includes:

  • Author, title of the article, title of the journal, and date of publication

  • The full-text of the article online

  • The definitions of key terms in the article

  • All of the above