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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

Outline your goals and objectives that relate to the library/department and University goals with a timeframe for completion (6%)

SC State University's goal is to improve the overall campus experience.

Library goal is to provide customer-oriented services and resources that support student success, teaching, and research of the SC State University community.

  • Goal 1- Plan to continue to improve on the library environment to enhance better service and facilitate learning;
  • Objective 1- Educate (proactively) users on campus and off-campus to become adept searchers, evaluators, and users of information resources, ongoing;

SC State University's goal is to Transform the Curriculum and Research Programs.

Activities: Improve on library environment and educate user on campus and off-campus by teaching students and faculty about academic databases and the catalog and ensure the databases and online catalog are accessible on and off campus.

Library goal is to develop and retain a highly qualified work force by affording library personnel opportunities to participate in professional development, scholarship, university-wide and community activities.

  • Goal 2- Plan to maintain an environment that promotes knowledge and a service-oriented staff;
  • Objective 1- Plan to enhance ongoing training and development opportunities on library service and knowledge of the library resources;

SC State University's goal is to Enhance Student Enrollment .and Success.

Activities: Practice excellent customer service and attend professional development meetings, trainings, conferences and webinars.

Library goal is to Conduct services and operations that are fiscally responsible at overall library and programming levels.

  • Goal 3-Plan to strengthen the role of library faculty who serve as liaisons as faculty, graduate and undergraduate students to develop opportunities of maximizing effective communication;
  • Objective 1- Regular communication with the liaison librarian, including library instruction, budget information, collection development needs, and participation in  in library oriented programming.
  • Objective 2- Further plan to develop the instructional assignments of library liaisons to reflect the nature of the research and curricular needs.

Activities: Served as a liaison to the English, Performing Arts, Military Science Departments, 1890 Extension and Freshmen Programs by offering instructional classes, collection development, and library orientations on resources in a timely and effective manner.