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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

List library holdings, subject bibliographies, pathfinders, and other finding aids you will compile/have compiled based on library resources within the current academic year (1%)

  • Work migration of the Library's system from Millennium to Ex Libris (Alma/Primo) and support EZproxy Host Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
  • Compiled Excel report of various subscriptions for indebt research to assist with budget defining duplicates, usage, and non-usage, and funding sources, etc. (see examples below)
  • Created Libguides for subject specific areas (see examples below)
  • Assist the Music Department in accreditation report by providing Library and Learning Resources for the their report due April 12th.
Report Name (Description): Database Usage Report (Report Database Usage Metrics)
Report Filters: Site=SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY;Database=2 Databases Selected;Interface=All Interfaces
Report Attributes: Analysis Level=Database;Metric View=Detailed;Aggregate View=Total
Run Date: 2021-10-05
Reporting Period: 2020-07-01 to 2021-06-30
Database Database Code Database Content Type Database Sessions Total Searches Total Requests Total Full-Text Requests Total Linkout Requests Abstract Requests Turnaways PDF Full-Text Requests HTML Full-Text Requests Multimedia Requests Regular Searches Federated and Automated Searches SmartLink Linkout Requests
Academic Search Complete a9h Regular Database 1681 6517 6651 2996 310 3345 0 1917 1053 26 6472 45 310
Alexander Street edsasp Regular Database 10 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0

Music Department Accreditation Report

Dingle, Rosetta
Wed 3/30/2022 10:58 AM
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 10:57 AM To: Dingle, Rosetta <> Cc: Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: Library Liaison for Music Department Accreditation Report
Good morning Dr. Dingle,
I'd like to introduce myself as the Library Liaison for Music Department and let you know that I will assist you with the library portion of your accreditation report by the April 12 deadline. Please let me know of any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Ashley Till
  • Till, Ashley L.
  • Johnson-Felder, Doris;
  • Speight, Jacqueline
Ms. Till,
Thank you for introducing yourself. We look forward to working with you as we prepare for accreditation visit. 

Rosetta Dingle, Ph.D.  

Examples of work migration of the Library's system from Millennium to Ex Libris (Alma/Primo) and support EZproxy Host Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

Housknecht, Julie <>

Mon 3/21/2022 10:22 AM

  • Till, Ashley L.

Hi Ashley,

I’ll list the steps below but if you’d like to meet to discuss this and look at it in Alma, just let me know. What you would want to look for in the reports is either seeing that they didn’t load anything, or that there are a high number of rejected records. Let me know if you have questions.



In Alma:

Admin > Monitor Jobs > History > Submit Date Range: select dates for one month > Name: Users SYNCHRONIZE using profile Student Information System

On each of the reports:

Ellipses > Report


Julie Housknecht

Shared Library Services Platform Systems Librarian



1122 Lady Street, Suite 400  Columbia, SC 29201

Support <>

Tue 11/23/2021 10:45 AM

Till, Ashley L.

Hodges, Ruth A.

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request (#499509) about [External] Assistance with sign in for DIscus databases has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. If you would like to add further information to your query or have a question, please reply to this email or click on the ticket number link above.

Thank you, OCLC Support