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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2021-2022

Describe any new projects or enhancement to existing projects that you will develop within current academic year (1%)

Incorporate a new educational tool Quizlet which is designed to engage the students in the learning process.

  • Quizzes, study materials, flashcards, etc. can be made by the instructor and students.
    • This approach engages the students to utilize their learned research skills to problem solve and reflect using other classroom assignments.

CCAHA Preservation Needs Assessment

Served on the CCAHA Preservation Needs Assessment grant to assist Avery Daniels and Dr. Ruth Hodges as I am the former archivist at SC State University. Please see the email below as evidence that I attended meetings:

Hodges, Ruth A.

Fri 2/25/2022 11:22 AM

  Dyani Feige <>

 Daniels, Avery;; Till, Ashley L.

Hello Dyani,  

I trust all is well with you.  As a reminder, in June 2021, you and a colleague conducted a virtual meeting with Avery Daniels, Ashley Till, and me.  You stated that you were in the process of preparing the report in September when I inquired about the status of the preservation report for SC State.  To date, we have not yet received the report.   

As I am certain you are, we would like to wrap-up and receive all products due pertaining to the Capacity Building Grant. Therefore, we would appreciate your providing us an update regarding this. 

If you have any questions, please let us know. 

Thank you, 


Radio Preservation Project

From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:30 PM To: Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: Fwd: Urgent Assistance Requested for HBCU Radio Preservation Pilot Project
Hi Ashley,
Are you available on March 24 (zoom meeting), April 26 (meeting), and April 27 (full day workshop) pertaining to the HBCU Radio Station Archives Project?
R Hodges
Good morning Dr. Hodges,
I am available on April 26 and 27th but not on March 24.
Thank you, Ashley