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Policies and Procedures: Computer and Technology Services

Computer and Technology Services

Computer and Technology Services

Computer and Technology Services, Policies, and Procedures

Computer Usage Policy

South Carolina State University and the Miller F. Whittaker Library prohibit the display of materials that may be obscene, offensive, or harassing to others in a public area. These materials include:       

  • Pornography
  • Loud music
  • Racially offensive materials
  • Obsessive use of chat rooms

In addition, you are asked to adhere to the following:

  • No software may be installed and/or downloaded on South Carolina State University’s computers without the consent of Information Resource Consultant.
  • Do not unplug or move any technology equipment.
  • Please use a USB jump drive (USB flash Drive) if you wish to save or transfer information.
  • Modification or destruction of library hardware, software or data including display and desktop configurations is forbidden.
  • The library reserves the right to impose a one hour time limit on the use of computers when others are waiting.
  • Any damages that are detected on the computers will be billed at your expense.
  • Please do not turn printer off or on.  If there is a problem, please notify the library staff.
  • No eating or drinking.

If we detect that you are participating in any of the above activities, you will be asked to leave the computer lab.  If you refuse to leave, campus police will be summoned.  In case of repeated offenses, the library staff reserves the right to terminate use of library technology services.

Attention:  The general public only has on-campus access to all library resources (print and electronic).  Computer access is available at the Reference Area and is limited to 1 hour per day.  A driver's license, or some form of picture id, and your signature are required.

Attention:  Persons under the age of 15 are not allowed to use any computers in the library (No Exceptions).  This is in accordance with the following directives:

  • SC Code 20-7-10
  • SC Code 10-1-205
  • US Public Law 106-554
  • US 114 Stat. 2763A-336

Copies of these directives are available at the Reference & Information Desk.

Reference Area Computers

The computers in the Reference Area are available for use by all library patrons. These computers provide Internet access to e-mail, the online catalog, and to all the library's Web-based databases.  Patrons are asked to limit computer use to 2 hours.

  • All community users are required to sign-in to use computers.
  • All students must have a USERNAME and PASSWORD.
  • A USERNAME and PASSWORD for first year students must be obtained from Moss Hall (First Floor Room 103).

The hours for the computers are 8:30 am to 9:45 pm Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am to 4:45 pm on Friday, 12:00 pm to 4:45 pm on Saturdays, and 3:00 pm to 8:45 pm on Sundays. The Reference staff is available to assist patrons during this time.


Smart Classroom

The Smart Classroom at the Miller F. Whittaker provides opportunities for teaching and learning through advanced equipment such as computers, audience response technology, networking, and audio/visual capabilities. There are thirty-five (35) computers for students' use when there is an overflow within the Reference Computer area and there is not a Library Instruction session going on.


Wireless Network

SC State University and the Miller F. Whittaker Library provide wireless network, access for students, faculty, staff and community patrons that have wireless laptop computers.