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The role of the SC State Historical Collection & Archives is to collect, organize, preserve, and make accessible primary source materials relating to the history of SC State University and the local community, in accordance with accepted archival principles.

Where to find the Archives

The SC State Historical Collection & Archives is located on the 3rd floor of the Miller F. Whittaker Library.


Tel: 803-536-8627

Research Hours: Mon-Thur 9am - 1pm  All other times by appointment

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Materials in the SC State Historical Collection & Archives can be found using the Miller F. Whittaker Library Catalog.

The SC State Historical Collection & Archives is open to SC State students, faculty, staff and the general public Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 1:00pm.  All other times are by appointment.  Use the contact information to the left to let us know you're coming.

We collect and provide access to materials about the history of SC State university including:

  • yearbooks
  • photographs
  • Collegian student newspaper
  • university catalogs
  • Board of Trustees minutes
  • Orangeburg Massacre
  • President's records
  • athletics

The materials in the SC State Historical Collection & Archives cannot be checked out.  Patrons can use the materials in the Reading Room on the 3rd floor of the Miller F. Whittaker Library.  Because the materials are rare and/or fragile, we do not allow food or beverages in the Reading Room.  We request that patrons use only digital devices or pencils and paper to take notes.  Scanning and photocopying of items is done by staff members on the equipment in the Archives.