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Ashley Till Portfolio Year 2023-2024


Environment and/or Library Administration and Supervision (60% total; 6 points each)

1. Outline your goals and objectives that relate to the library/department and University goals with a timeframe for completion (6%)

Outline your goals and objectives that relate to the library/department and University goals with a timeframe for completion (6%)

SC State Initiative I, Goal 1: SC State University's goal is to improve the overall campus experience.

Library's Goal 1: The library's goal is to provide customer-oriented services and resources that support student success, teaching, and research in the SC State University community.

  • Goal 1- Plan to continue to improve the library environment to enhance better service and facilitate learning;
  • Objective 1- Educate (proactively) users on campus and off-campus to become adept searchers, evaluators, and users of information resources, ongoing; 

Library's Goal 1/Objective 1 Activities: Continue to provide excellent customer service to students in the library by troubleshooting computer/printing issues, answering reference questions via in-person, email, phone and chat services; and creating an inviting and friendly atmosphere. Time Frame: Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

Library's Goal 1/Objective 1Activities: Teach LS 150 during 2023-2024 and teach the students about information literacy skills and lifelong learning. Time Frame: Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

SC State Initiative 2, Goal 2SC State University's goal is to Transform the Curriculum and Research Programs.

Objective 2: Educate (proactively) users on campus and off campus to become adept searchers, evaluators, and users of informational resources (ongoing).

Library's Goal 1/Objective 2: Activities: Improve on library environment and educate users on campus and off campus by teaching students and faculty about academic databases and the catalog and ensuring the databases and online catalog are accessible on and off campus. Ongoing communication about the off-site databases not working until 4/3/2024. Time Frame: Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

Library Goal 1/Objective 3: Provide a more inviting library environment with spaces that support individual and small group collaborative work using technology (e.g., for study, discovery, and innovation) ongoing.

Library's Goal 1/Objective 3: Activities: Promote the use of the new study rooms and conference rooms, provide supplies, and reserve rooms in person, over the phone or via email if off-site or via the website reservations are not accessible. Troubleshoot web inaccessibility with website online reservation for study rooms.  Time Frame: Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

Library's Goal II: The library's goal is to develop and retain a highly qualified workforce by affording library personnel opportunities to participate in professional development, scholarship, and university-wide and community activities.

Library's Goal II/Objective 1- Plan to maintain an environment that promotes knowledge and a service-oriented staff;

Library's Goal II/Objective 1: Activities: Effectively communicate technical issues, promote new databases to staff and faculty, and communicate new information on acquired resources, such as collection development for liaison areas.Time Frame: Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

Library's Goal II/Objective 2- Provide opportunities for scholarly contributions to the profession, ongoing

Library's Goal II/Objective 2: Activities: promote educational exhibits, write and facilitate grants using new technology (Contentdm).Time Frame: Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

Library's Goal II/Objective 3: Provide opportunities for library personnel to participate on university-wide and community outreach.

Library's Goal II/Objective 3: Activities: Member of the University's Technology Committee and use of new technology (Contentdm) for community outreach. Provided prospective students tours on 7/11/2023 (30 students). Member of various Orangeburg community groups outside of work; Positively reflect the University and and be knowledgeable about fund-raising and student retention.  Fall 2023-Spring 2024.

SC State Initiative 3, Goal 3: SC State University's goal is to Enhance Student Enrollment and Success.

Library's Goal III: Conduct services and operations that are fiscally responsible at overall library and programming levels.

Activities: Practice excellent customer service and attend professional development meetings, training, conferences, and webinars. Recommend trial databases as full-time databases if usage statistics are high. Stay within the collection development budget. Time Frame: Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

Library's Goal III/Objective 1: Establish a culture of assessment associated with the delivery of quality library services and resources for SC State University users on-campus and/off campus, ongoing. Activities: Provide excellent customer service to students, faculty, and staff. Ensure the use of databases off-site is working properly. Fall 2023-Spring 2024.

Library's Goal III/Objective 2: Enhance access to library research, teaching, and learning collections through amenable purchasing power available through consortia and related partnerships, ongoing. Activities: Attend PASCAL meetings and know my responsibilities and follow through on these responsibilities.  Attend Electronic Resources Librarian training. Fall 2023-Spring 2024.

Library's Goal III/Objective 3: Participate in grant writing and other fundraising initiatives, ongoing. 

  • Goal 3-Plan to strengthen the role of library faculty who serve as liaisons for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students to develop opportunities for maximizing effective communication;
  • Objective 1- Regular communication with the liaison librarian, including library instruction, budget information, collection development needs, and participation in library-oriented programming.
  • Objective 2- Further plan to develop the instructional assignments of library liaisons to reflect the nature of the research and curricular needs.

Activities: Served as a liaison to the English, Performing Arts, Military Science Departments, 1890 Extension and Freshmen Programs by offering instructional classes, collection development, and library orientations on resources in a timely and effective manner. Plan to enhance ongoing training and development opportunities on library service and knowledge of the library resources; I plan to incorporate my knowledge of computer usage by assisting students and faculty with computer use, teaching students and faculty on how to use PASCAL, ILL services, databases, and keeping statistics of computer related questions and faculty and student computer usage. Fall 2023-Spring 2024.

2. Provide examples of how you will deliver information to students, faculty, and staff in an effective and timely manner and follow-up strategies used (6%)

2. Provide examples of how you will deliver information to students, faculty, and staff in an effective and timely manner and follow-up strategies used (6%)

  • Strategy 1- plan to develop training opportunities for the library reference department in the use of new information to assist users in making effective use of existing and new resources;
  • Strategy 2- Plan to encourage, maintain, and increase reference staff annual participation in relevant external and internal workshops and seminars identified as important for their professional development;

- Assisting the reference department with the creation of Libguides and using other Springshare applications, such as LibAnswers and reserving study rooms via LibCal.

- Provide tutorial on Academic Video Online during National Library Week.

- Sharing information about upcoming webinars and workshops with staff and faculty. 

- Process annual vendor contracts to continue providing access to users and library personnel. 

- Provide library instruction to liaison departments and follow up with an evaluation survey.

- Assist Mrs. Felder with updating LS 150 curriculum for Fall 2024-Spring 2025. 

- Troubleshoot database issues with vendors and the IT department. 

- Communicate with Dr. Hodges as technology issues arise (such as no access to databases off-site).

- Communicate with faculty, students and staff about database trials via email and in-person. 

Email evidence of the above:

1) Thank you for your assistance. For 2020 AACSB can you please only print 21-50 pages, the prints can have 2 pages per page.  


Marshall Hemingway, MS, CPO, TRS, 

Adjunct Professor 


Good Morning, 

First, I would like to thank both of you for all your assistance yesterday. You really did an amazing job. 

If by chance, could you see if you have any articles in regard to student perception of CTE, student decision making of CTE, or students Career Choice in CTE. 

I would need no more than 20 resources. 

Thank you both again for all your help. It truly was a blessing. 

Have a BLESSED Day. 

Department of Health Sciences 

South Carolina State University 

Orangeburg, SC 29117 

300 College Street, NE
118 D-Wing Turner Hall

(843) 472-1993


Professional Development Meetings and Seminars

Spring 2023 eFellows Online Teaching Certificate course 

PASCAL/WSJ HBCU Program Overview 

Promoting Equity in Information Literacy Instruction Through Universal Design for Learning 

University Honors and Awards Convocation 

Leading the Way for Information Literacy: Planning, Promotion, and Policy 

Academic Video Online Tutorial 

Nexis Uni Demo 

Artstor User Group Meeting 

Faculty meetings (Ongoing monthly) 

Academic Libraries and Mental Health 

Contentdm discovery call with SC State University 

Behavior Change Coaching Initial (Ashley Till) with Summit Coaching, Shelby 

Meeting with vendor Richard Haury/Database trial 

PeMento and the Power of Peer Mentoring 

New phone training Moss Hall 

Updating Your AZ Database Page 

EDIA Committee Meetings (Ongoing monthly) 

Project Muse Journal Pricing for SC State meeting 

Library Personnel Meetings (Ongoing) 

Fall 2023 Faculty Insititute 

General Assembly 

What's New with LibGuides? 

Dr. Perkins Library Instruction E 302 Advanced Composition Library Instruction class 

Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Training 

USPTO’S Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs) (Ongoing) 

Enhancing your library’s collections: Insights, collaborations, and future trends 

Flirting with AI: Spend Some Interactive Time Exploring New Apps and Tools for Research 

EDIA meeting with PASCAL Board and staff 

Vendor demo meeting 

PASCAL General meeting 

Faculty Development Institute 

Transforming Librarianship to Model Neuroinclusion in Libraries 

Library Advocacy Work is Relationship Building Work: A Panel Discussion 

Harnessing the power of primary sources: How libraries empower innovative teaching strategies 

Get the Full Picture: Gathering Your ProQuest Resources 

Defending Diversity II: The Challenges and Opportunities for DEIA Positions in Libraries 

Miller F. Whittaker Library 56 Anniversary Celebration 

Annual Honors and Awards Convocation 2024 

Proving your library as a critical asset: Aligning library spending with your institution's academic programs 

Recruiting to the Profession: The LIS Pipeline and How We Can Help 


Assist users in making effective use of existing and new resources

Linda Heimburger 

Electronic Resources Training and Outreach Coordinator - South Carolina State Library

New Discus webinar

Help students Spring Back over Spring Break!

Attend the webinar

5 Tips for Success Using from Discus

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 @ 4:00 – 4:30 PM

Registration link:

Join us as we go over five of our most frequently asked questions to make sure you are primed for success using!  You will also have the chance to ask your questions at the end of the session. This live webinar is presented for Discus by Maxine Nebro of  The webinar will also be recorded.

Linda Heimburger, MLS

Electronic Resources Training and Outreach Coordinator

1500 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29201


Innovation| Collaboration| Participation | Preservation


New Discus Webinars - ChiltonLibrary, Choice Boards, and Tutoring Tips

Please share these webinar opportunities broadly, as you are the primary Discus contact for your institution. All are welcomed to attend; especially consider these for your education faculty and students, academic success staff, librarians, and automotive tech students.

New! Explore Gale's ChiltonLibrary

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 1:00 - 1:30 PM

New to Discus! Join us for a test drive of ChiltonLibrary, a great new resource for automotive tech students, car enthusiasts, and mechanics. Access trusted vehicle maintenance and repair information, videos, and ASE Test Prep Questions. Explore the platform enhancements including VIN searching capabilities and easy navigation to return to previous searches. This live webinar will also be recorded, so register now. If you cannot attend live, register and receive the recorded link.

Registration link:



Choice Boards using Gale Resources from Discus

Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 3:00 - 3:45 PM

In this session, explore sample of Choice Boards created for Discus Gale resources. Great for college teacher education pre-service/in service teachers to take into the classroom, Discover best practices that encourage more responsible, accountable, and independent learning. Walk away with materials connected to subjects of study for elementary, middle, and high school levels. This live section will also be recorded, so register soon. If you cannot attend live, register and receive the recorded link.


Email examples

Hi Ashley,


Please see the attached flyer that we need to add to the website. We just need to get the registration form together so individuals can register online.  Maybe we can work on the form tomorrow. Thank you!!!


Best Regards,


From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 2:20 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: Re: offsite access

Ruth A. Hodges, Ph.D.

From: Till, Ashley L. <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 2:04 PM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Subject: Re: offsite access
Dr. Hodges,
Are you okay with sending out an email to all faculty and students saying that the databases now work off-site?

From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 2:02 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: Re: offsite access
Great, thanks!

Ruth A. Hodges, Ph.D.


From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 1:50 PM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Ham, Eric <>
Subject: Re: offsite access
Good afternoon,
I checked on my phone with the wi-fi turned off.
From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 1:49 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>; Ham, Eric <>
Subject: Re: offsite access
Did you check from your phone of from a library computer?



From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 12:59:39 PM
To: Ham, Eric <>
Cc: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Subject: Re: offsite access
Good afternoon Mr. Ham,
Access to the databases off-site is working! Thank you so much for all of your assistance.

From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 12:29 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>
Cc: Ham, Eric <>
Subject: Fw: offsite access
Good Morning Ashley,
Please check the off-campus database access today and let Mr. Ham know if everything is working.

Ruth A. Hodges, Ph.D.

From: Ham, Eric <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 10:55 AM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Subject: offsite access
can you have someone check the access from off campus to the library databases. let me know.

Eric Ham, M.ED 

​Till, Ashley L.​

Fri 4/5/2024 4:34 PM

Good afternoon Professor Williams,


We plan to do a trial of Bloomsbury Digital Fashion Masterclasses once the database becomes available. I will keep you posted.


Take care,


Ms. Till


Ashley L. Till, MLIS

Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian

Miller F. Whittaker Library

South Carolina State University 

300 College Street, NE 

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117

Office: (803) 536-7191


Hello ,

Jason Barr has responded to your request and the ticket #24679 with subject "Screen I get when trying to access a article online from the library's catalog has been resolved. 



Look like the site just down at this time.


If you are satisfied with the solution, please click on the accept link.  If you are not satisfied with the solution, please click on the reject link.

Thanks for using the ticketing system,

The UCITS Support Team

Chat services

  1. 14:46:20 System: You are now chatting with Reference / Information Department.
  2. 14:46:36 Ashley Till: Good afternoon, how can I assist you?
  3. 14:47:11 Jaimarre Fuller: I was coming to get information about staying healthy
  4. 14:47:53 Ashley Till: Ok, great! Are you looking for database journal articles, e-books or print books?
  5. 14:48:09 Jaimarre Fuller: journal articles
  6. 14:49:12 Ashley Till: Are you coming to the library? You can access the databases from off-site if you are a student, staff or faculty member
  7. 14:49:59 Jaimarre Fuller: Im in class doing the assignment
  8. 14:52:20 Ashley Till: One of the best databases to get articles from is Academic Search Complete. You can access this by going to the Miller F. Whittaker Library website ( and use the drop down menu under "databases". Or you can come to the Information desk in the library to get assistance.
  9. 14:53:46 Jaimarre Fuller: ok
  10. 14:53:50 Jaimarre Fuller: thank you
  11. 14:54:01 Ashley Till: You are welcome
  12. 14:54:22 System: Operator ended chat.

3. Provide examples of projects, assignments, tests, bibliographies, and teaching strategies you will use in bibliographic instruction and research study sessions. (6%)

3. Provide examples of projects, assignments, tests, bibliographies, and teaching stragies you will use in bibliographic instruction and research study sessions. (6%)

  • The students will be given a pre-test at the beginning of the library instruction class and a post-test at the end of each library instruction.
    • The purpose of the tests is to compare the students; performance for a pre-post survey for SACS reporting.
    • The pre-test is intended to obtain information about the student's information-seeking knowledge and skills prior to a library instruction class.
    • This information is necessary for targeted instruction;
    • The effects of this pretest will help to recognize areas of student strengths and target are of student weaknesses.
    • The post-test will measure the knowledge that the students have gained from the library orientation session.
  • The student will be given a brainstorming map/mind map tool that can help the students in their assignment to think in a more critical way and improve their problem-solving ability at the same time.
    • The brainstorming assignment will help the students to generate creative thinking or ideas for logical structure/hierarchy thought for their research papers' plan of action.
  • The students will be given a KWL Chart Activity which is a graphic organizer that helps students organize information. KWL stands for "what you know/what you need to know/what you learned:"
    • This KWL assignment is designed for the student to exercise their research skills which will help them develop and to help the students learn more about their topic;
    • This activity will help guide the students through a three-step process to activate background knowledge, develop a purpose for the topic of what they are leaning about, and summarize the information.



Pre and Post-Test Library Skills Assessment:



 Use bibliographic instruction and research study sessions in LS 150 and library instruction class by providing information on the library's system of organizing materials, the structure of the literature of the field, research methodologies appropriate to the academic discipline, and specific resources and finding tools (library catalog, indexes and abstracting services, bibliographic databases, etc. Prepare individuals to make immediate and lifelong use of information effectively by teaching the concepts and logic of information access and evaluation, and by fostering information independence and critical thinking. Aimed at equipping library users with skills to locate library sources and use them effectively to satisfy their information needs.

4. Provide examples of current knowledge, innovation and varied teaching strategies and techniques you will use in bibliographic instruction, research study sessions, and other educational endeavors as stated in library policies, goals, and objectives. (6

Provide examples of current knowledge, innovation and varied Teaching strategies and techniques you will use in bibliographic instruction, research study sessions, and other educational endeavors as stated in library policies, goals, and objectives. (6%)

  • Visual learning tools to utilize through the usage of computers in the smart classroom for hands-on research, reading, and visual aids:
    • PowerPoint instructional presentations for library instruction classes (LS 150 curriculum)
    • Libguides:(see Libguides below)
    • Use videos in LS 150 for instruction and effective teaching strategies.

Database Search for LS 150

Use database assignment for effective teaching of the use of database searching: Instructions: Choose one (1) of the research topics listed above to conduct a database search using Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, and a combination of at least two of the operators. You may choose any database from the Miller F. Whittaker Library’s electronic database that will give you the best results for your search.  Be sure to list the database that you used. List the title of the article that best addresses your chosen topic and why (3-4 sentences). 

Mid-term Annotated Bibliography for LS 150

Assign students an annotated bibliographies

Assignment: Develop five (5) annotated bibliographies cited in APA Style. Annotations are to include:

  • two (2) books
  • two (2) subscription journal articles (scholarly); and
  • one (1) Web resource (scholarly). 


Here are the topics for your annotated bibliographies:

  1. Should corporal punishment be allowed in schools?
  2. Do the benefits of vaccinations outweigh the risks?

     3. What effect does social media have on your mind?

     4. Should college athletes be paid?

     5. What is the cause of increased violence among young adults?

Final Project for LS 150

Assign Presentations for the final project in LS 150.  Items that are to be submitted are:

1) Mind Map

2) Thesis Statement

3) Annotated Bibliography

4) Presentation

5. Identify appropriate print and technological resources you will use to meet the needs of library users in bibliographic instruction, research study sessions, and other educational endeavors. (6%)

Identify appropriate print and technology resources you will use to meet the needs of library users in bibliographic instruction, research study sessions, and other educational endeavors (6)

  • The library databases contain scholarly journals, e-books, dissertations (electronic), etc., and are used to provide bibliographic instructions; Examples below:
  • These library resources and services are used in curricular subject disciplines with related content;
  • Library instruction classes focus on the skills needed to help users become information literate. 
  • Instruct LS 150 class to teach students to become lifelong learners.


Examples of using library databases containing scholarly journals, e-books, dissertations (electronic and print), etc., are used to provide bibliographic instructions in English (under the following tabs: Your Research Questions, Find Background Information, and Find Sources), Performing Arts (under the following tabs: Databases for Performing Arts, Newspaper Databases, and Books) and Visual Arts (under the following tabs: Home page, Newspaper databases, and Books) Libguides:

These library resources and services in the Libguides are used in curricular subject disciplines with related content.

Print examples

LS 150 assignments include students using print books checked out from the library for annotated bibliographies. Educate students on requesting books through PASCAL and ILL and as an assignment, ask students to register in the ALMA system to check out books.  

LS 160 Syllabus


Miller F. Whittaker Library  

SC State University Orangeburg, SC 29117 


Spring 2024 




Ms. Ashley Till, Instructor/Reference and Electronic Resources Librarian 

Phone: (803) 536-8640 




Class Hours: Thursday, 5:15 pm. – 6:15 pm. 

Classroom:     SMART Classroom (Miller F. Whittaker Library-1st Floor) and via Blackboard Collaborate 

Office:  Miller F. Whittaker Library, Information Desk, First Floor 

Office Hours: Tuesdays from 9:30 am. - 11:30 pm. and Wednesdays from 2:30 pm. – 4:00 pm. All other times by appointment. 

Required Text: None. Materials for the course are available Online and/or from classroom instructor(s) 




Information literacy is defined as a set of abilities enabling individuals to recognize the need for information and to locate, evaluate and effectively use that information to become lifelong learners.1 




This instructional component is an introduction to information retrieval, evaluation, and research skills. Students completing these sessions will be able to locate and evaluate information and to think critically about research strategies. Ultimately, the aim of this library component is to empower individuals to become independent information seekers, users of information and lifelong learners. 




Upon completing this course students will be able to: 


  1. Determine the nature and extent of their information needs. 


  1. Access needed information effectively and efficiently. 


  1. Evaluate the information and its sources critically and incorporate selected information into his or her knowledge base and value system. 


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and access and use of information ethically and legally. 


Method of Evaluation 

Grading Summary 


Assignments – 30% 

Final Research Project – 40% 

Annotated Bibliography (Mid-term) – 20% 

Attendance, Class Activities, and Participation – 10% 

Course Grading Scale 

Final grades will be assigned based on the following SC State University’s alphanumeric grading scale. 


A = 90 - 100 

B = 80 - 89 

C = 70 - 79 

D = 60 - 69 

F = 0 - 59 



1 Based on the Association of College & Research Libraries’ [American Library Association] 1989 definition of information literacy. 





Students should be prompt and attend class regularly. Only one absence is permitted per one credit hour course. Only University authorized excuses will be accepted following the one permitted absence. Hence, excessive absenteeism may result in a failing grade. 


Each unexcused absence will result in the loss of one (1) point and each time late will result in the loss of half (1/2) point from your class participation grade. Students leaving class prior to the end of the session, without the instructor’s approval, will be marked absent for that day. 



Students are expected to submit assignments on their due dates. Five (5) points will be deducted for each class period late. Any assignment not turned in by two (2) class periods will result in a zero (0) for that assignment. 


Electronic Devices 

Students are prohibited from using cell phones, iPods, PDAs, iPads, personal computers, and related electronic devices during scheduled class sessions. All such devices must be turned off or put on vibrate mode (cell phones) and should not be taken out during class unless advised by the course instructor(s). 


Style Manual 

Unless otherwise stated, APA is required for preparing “Reference Lists” and/or “parenthetical citations” for assignments. 


Academic Integrity 

Cheating and/or plagiarism are prohibited. As outlined in the SC State University Student Code of Conduct, cheating (pages 10-11) and plagiarism is a serious violation of academic and student conduct rules and is punishable by a failing grade and possibly more severe action (page 11). 


Students with Disabilities 

Students with disabilities who need accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Disability Services at 803-536-7245 as soon as possible at the beginning of the semester. 


Technical Support 

If you have questions or concerns about Blackboard Learn 9.1 tools or if you experience technical difficulties, please contact Blackboard Support Services at (844) 348-1608. Blackboard Support Services are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year. 



Course Outline 


WEEK 1 (January 18, 2024): Introduction to Information Literacy and Technology 


Review Syllabus and Getting Started (discuss class assignments and technology-driven project/technology-driven presentation of research topic, etc.). 


  • Overview of LS150 Course in BlackBoardTM 


  • Course Introductions 


Assignment 1: 

Pre-test                                                                                       DUE: January 25, 2024 


WEEK 2 (January 25, 2024): Starting Your Research: Brainstorming 


  • Identify the research topic (Brainstorming topic and narrowing topic). 


  • Formulate a research strategy to find information about a select topic (identifying keywords, using connectors – Boolean Operators) 




Brainstorming Assignment                                       DUE: February 1, 2024 



WEEK 3 (February 1, 2024) Searching the Online Catalog 

  • Search Online catalog for information and effectively locate resources on the topic. 

  • Find books by title, author, subject, and keyword. 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of search results. 

  • Demonstrate an understanding and use of call numbers and Stack Directory to locate items in the library. 


Classroom Activity: Conduct Online shelving tests. 


NOTE: If you have never checked-out a book in the MFW Library, visit the circulation desk to get registered in the ALMA system. 


 WEEK 4 (February 8, 2024) E-Books, PASCAL, & Interlibrary Loan 


  • Search the E-book Collections 

  • Go to the Miller F. Whittaker’s website and submit an interlibrary loan form and PASCAL Delivers Request. 

  •  Demonstrate an understanding of how to submit an interlibrary loan request form. 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to submit a PASCAL Delivers request. 


 WEEK 5 (February 15, 2024): SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION: Archives 


  • Searching Archives & Digital Collections 

  • Types of Archives 

  • Using Finding Aids 

  • Searching digital collections 


WEEK 6 (February 22, 2024): Searching Databases   


  • Search Online Databases for Articles and Related Information on Topic. 

  •  Overview of MFW Library online databases. 

  • Choose the appropriate database. 

  • Use online databases to find an article on a topic. 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of BOOLEAN operators. 


ASSIGNMENT 3: Database Search DUE: February 29, 2024 

Week 7 (February 29, 2024):  Searching for Information: Google and Popular vs. Scholarly Resources 


  • Distinguish between popular and scholarly information. 

  • Using Google to find scholarly resources. 


ASSIGNMENT 4: Popular vs. Scholarly Sources          DUE: March 7, 2024 



WEEK 8 (March 7, 2024):  Citing Sources and Annotations   


  • Demonstrate an understanding that the appropriate documentation styles may vary by discipline (e.g., MLA for English, Chicago for history, APA for psychology, CBE for biology). 

  • Identify various components of a bibliographic citation (author, title, year, etc.). 

  • Differentiate between various types of cited works (e.g., book, journal, newspaper, etc.). 

  • Develop Reference List citations using the APA Manual of Style. 

  • Distinguish between electronic and non-electronic cited works. 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the use of various types of quotes (direct quotes, paraphrasing, summarizing). 


MIDTERM Assignment: Annotated Bibliography Assignment DUE: March 21, 2024 



SPRING BREAK March 10-March 17, 2024 (No Class) 


Week 9 (March 21, 2024) Thesis Statement Examples and Academic Integrity and Ethics   


  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of Intellectual Property as Applied to the Research Process (e.g., Trademarks, Patent, and Copyright – Fair use). 

  • Demonstrate a Basic Understanding of What Constitutes Plagiarism 



WEEK 10 (March 28, 2024): Review Final Presentation, Determine Groups, and Post-Test 


ASSIGNMENT 5: Complete Post-test DUE: April 4, 2024 




  • Groups should be preparing for their presentations. 





  • Groups should be preparing for their presentations. 


 WEEK 13 (April 18, 2024): WORK ON FINAL PROJECT (NO CLASS) 


  • Groups should be preparing for their presentations. 


WEEK 14 (April 25, 2024): Final Project Presentations 


  • Final Research Project Submissions 


  • Final Research Project Presentations 


  • Complete course/faculty evaluation 





American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. (1989). Final Report. Washington, D.C. 

Burkhardt, J. M., & MacDonald, M. C. (2003). Teaching information Literacy: 35 Practical, Standards- Based Exercises for college students. Chicago: American Library Association. 

Cook, D. (Ed.). (2006). Teaching information literacy skills to social science students and practitioners: A casebook of applications. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. 

A Progress Report on Information Literacy: An Update on the American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. (1998). Final Report. Washington, D.C. 


Rader, H. (2002). Information literacy 1973-2002: A selected literature review. Library Trends, 51(2), 242-259. 


Important Dates to Remember 


Jan 16, 2024: Classes begin 

Feb 8, 2024: Orangeburg Massacre Commemoration 

March 3, 2024: Founder’s Day  

March 6-March 9, 2024: Mid-term Examinations 

March 10-March 17, 2024: Spring Break 

March 18, 2024: Classes resume  

April 2, 2024: Honors and Awards Convocation 

May 10, 2024: Commencement Convocation 

6. Indicate how you will incorporate University policies and curricula as you engage in bibliographic instruction, research study sessions, and other educational endeavors (6%)

Indicate how you will incorporate University policies and curricula as you engage in bibliographic instruction, research study sessions, and other educational endeavors

I will incorporate the University policies and curricula by engaging in department liaison in the Department of English and Communications (English, Modern Languages), Department of Military Sciences, Department of Visual and Performing Arts (Arts, Drama, Music), Freshman Programs and 1890 Research and Extension

Instructional  classes:

  • Students will be directed through PowerPoint, Libguides, and materials to locate and define ethical instructions, plagiarism, copyright, and sexual harassment policies and procedures (See examples below in the section about Write and Cite In Box labeled Citation Resource about Plagiarism Overview and Box labeled MLA Citation Style in the English Libguide)
  • Copies of Powerpoint presentations and handouts will be submitted to instructors and students.

PowerPoint for Visual Arts faculty and database demonstration for library faculty and staff

- Provided tutorial to library and university personnel on Academic Video Online (AVON) during National Library Week 2023.

University policies and curricula examples

  • Clearly define office hours and be flexible for appointments during office hours and student walk-ins. 
  • Relay student alerts about attendance and grades to appropriate offices and persons.
  • Email and meet with students about grade requests, discussions, and assignments.
  • Encourage students to complete professor evaluations. 
  • Provide students with a syllabus and course outline.

7. Indicate to what extent you will discuss and/or share teaching materials, ideas, and strategies with colleagues and faculty (6%)

Indicate to what extent you will discuss and or/share teaching materials, ideas, and strategies with colleagues and faculty (6%)

Throughout the semester the main focus will relate to information literacy:

  • Information literacy is the ability to know when their is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use that information;
  • To become lifelong learners, we need to know how to learn and how to teach ourselves to learn.

Collection Development using Rialto and Project Muse

Ordered as many books as the budget allowed me to do for my liaison departments using the new book ordering system, Rialto and Project Muse.

Emailed Reference Question

Good morning Dr. Landis,


I think we finally have the issues resolved with Project Muse. Please follow these steps. Go to the Miller F. Whittaker home page ( and under databases, select Project Muse. If you haven't already, sign up for a username and password go to this webpage: and sign up for an account. Now go to "browse" or the search bar at the top of that webpage. Once you do that and select a book (we only have access to books, not journals). You should get a page that has a green check by the chapters now. Please see the screenshot below:

Please let me know if this works for you, thank you, Ashley


Liaison Letter to faculty

Liaison librarians are available to you for assistance with collection development by facilitating book purchases that enhance your teaching curriculum and department needs. We play a primary role in the accreditation process by providing databases usage and book collections statistics to ensure that the library reflects the proper content of print and electronic resources required for accreditation. Liaison librarians are available to assist with any department programming that includes a library component. 

The Liaison Instruction Program generates dialogue between the library and academic departments to enhance the library's understanding of user needs and to promote the library's services and resources. This program is designed to provide formal and informal library instruction based upon the needs of students, faculty, and staff. It is presented through lectures and demonstrations to respond to the total education process of the academic community.  

The Library Instruction Program is an ongoing entity assuring each student at the university exposure to basic and varied library experiences and information resources. The program introduces students to library research methods and concepts so they can function effectively in modern libraries and information centers using multi-formatted information sources - print, microforms, databases, and online services. Focus is placed on instructional methods that will help users learn, select, and evaluate library materials appropriate to their needs. It is designed to motivate users to consistently use the library and its resources. 

Library Instruction is presented on three levels:   

  •      Level I - Orientation to library collections, facilities, and services (Freshman) 
  •      Level II - Special materials in subject areas (Sophomore-Senior) 
  •      Level III - Professional and research sources (Graduate-Doctoral) 


Faculty and Community organizers may schedule a Subject-based instruction class by contacting the Reference Desk at 803-536-8640 or by completing a Library Instruction Request  Form and emailing it to Ashley Till,  

I look forward to working with you this semester, 

Ashley Till 

Email from faculty on requested books and journals

Yes, Yes, Yes, they are amazing. There are a few that I was not able to access, but that is definitely good for today. 

Thank you so very much for all your help today. 

Yes, Yes, Yes, they are amazing. There are a few that I was not able to access, but that is definitely good for today. 

Thank you so very much for all your help today. 

Ms. Melanie Williams, Ed.S

Sharing ideas with colleagues

Plan to work with Mrs. Doris Jonson Felder on updating the LS 150 curriculum during the Summer 2024, including reviewing the current curriculum, updating links in Libwizard for quizzes, and reviewing best practices I learned while teaching LS 150 Fall 2023-Spring 2024. 

Information Literacy

Throughout the semester, the focus will relate to information literacy:

  • Information literacy is the ability to know when there is a need for information, and to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information. 
  • To become lifelong learners, know how to learn and how to teach ourselves to learn.
  • I will work with staff, students, and faculty to incorporate this by providing demonstrations during library instruction classes, and while teaching LS 150. 

8. Provide examples of your administrative functions as stated in the library's policies, goals, and objectives (6%)

Provide examples of your administrative functions and stated in the library's policies, goals, and objectives (6%)

Work as a liaison to the UCITS department and database vendors to manage proxy server access, configuration, and changes by:

  • Coordinate the management of the electronic resources by communicating regularly with external service providers, including publishers, vendors, consortia, content providers, and technology suppliers; assisting with electronic resources license agreements and renewal management; investigating, and evaluating resources; (see email example below).
  • Coordinating timely investigations and resolution of electronic resources access problems in troubleshooting; (see email example below).
  • Investigating, evaluating, and recommending new and emerging technologies that will improve or expand services and access to library resources; and filling other electronic resource management duties as needed; (see email example below).
  • Work with Library subscription vendors, Library office, and staff (see email example below).



Good morning,
I get this error message when attempting to access an Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles from the library's catalog:

Oops! It looks like you have attempted to view a page that has not been configured for access.

If you are a library patron...

Please contact your library and provide the name of the resource you were trying to access and the Host line below so the library can work with you to correct this error.


Thank you for your assistance, Ashley

Apr 9, 2024, 12:11 EDT

I have adjusted the stanza; this link should work now.

Thank you,

Kasey North

OCLC · Customer Support Specialist

Worked on numerous vendor contracts

In 2023 and 2024, I worked on processing numerous vendor contracts, including getting quotes, communicating the process for submitting invoices, completing contract forms and submitting them to the legal department for review, and then getting the required vendor signatures after receiving the approved contracts from the legal department.

Email form Dr. Landis

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 7:34 PM
To: Landis, Michael <>
Cc: Stokes, Stephanie <>
Subject: Re: pdf
Good evening Dr. Landis,
I found the article in one of our databases and emailed it to you. Please let me know if you get it.
Thanks! Ashley
Ashley L. Till, MLIS
Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian
Miller F. Whittaker Library
South Carolina State University 
300 College Street, NE 
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117
Office: (803) 536-7191

From: Landis, Michael <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 10:48 AM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>; Stokes, Stephanie <>
Subject: pdf
Hello.  Can I get  a pdf of the essay below?  Thank you!

Stewart, Whitney Nell. "White/white and/or the Absence of the Modifier." Journal of the Early

Republic 43, no. 1 (2023): 101-108.

Trial databases

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 4:34 PM
To: Williams, Edwina <>
Cc: Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: Fw: I'm interested in accessing Bloomsbury Digital Fashion Masterclasses


Good afternoon Professor Williams,


We plan to do a trial of Bloomsbury Digital Fashion Masterclasses once the database becomes available. I will keep you posted.


Take care,


Ms. Till

Email examples of the above

Got it, thank you.

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Monday, May 1, 2023 9:12 AM
To: Mayers, Damya <>
Subject: Scanned item from Friday
Good morning Damya,
Please see the attached scanned item from Friday.
Ms. Till
Ashley L. Till, MLIS
Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian
Miller F. Whittaker Library
South Carolina State University 
300 College Street, NE 
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117
Office: (803) 536-7191
Thank you Ashley!

Ruth A. Hodges, Ph.D.

Dean, Library & Information Services

South Carolina State University

P.O. Box 7491

300 College St., N.E.

Orangeburg, SC 29117

Phone: (803) 536-8638

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Monday, May 8, 2023 10:01 AM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Strait, Juanita H. <>; Daniels, Avery <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Cooper Mack, Cathi <>; Keitt, Mykisha <>; Stokes, Stephanie <>; McDonald, Beatrice E. <>
Subject: SCSU dissertations added to database list
Good morning,
The SCSU dissertations are now available on the homepage under the databases. Please see below:

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 9:25 AM
To: Daniels, Avery <>; Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Cooper Mack, Cathi <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Strait, Juanita H. <>
Subject: Searching Credo Reference update


Good morning,


Dr. Hodges provided a great presentation during National Library Week on searching the Credo Reference database. If you all recall, we were getting an error message when trying to access the articles on the right side of the screen. I'm pleased to say that these links are now working. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you, Ashley

From: Till, Ashley L.
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 10:07 AM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Strait, Juanita H. <>; Stokes, Stephanie <>; McDonald, Beatrice E. <>; Colter, Charlene <>; Cooper Mack, Cathi <>; Daniels, Avery <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Keitt, Mykisha <>
Subject: Campus Heartbeat added to the website


Good morning everyone,


The last Campus Heartbeat newsletter has been added to the library's website under the "About" section.


It is that time of the year again to start planning the next newsletter. Please start getting together materials for the next newsletter so we can distribute it in Fall 2023. Items to be added to the newsletter include conferences attended, the number of students that visited the library the past two semesters, new databases added, presentations, professional development, pictures, National Library Week, upcoming events in the Fall 2023 semester, and more.


Thank you for your support,



9. Indicate how you will deal with daily problems under your administrative functions within the framework of established and University policies and procedures (6%)

Indicate how you will deal with daily problems under your administrative functions within the framework of established library and University policies and procedures (6%)

  • Coordinate the timely investigation and resolution of electronic resources access problems. 
  • Maintain and add web content for the library's website.
  • Serve as a liaison to the UCTIS department and database vendors to manage proxy server access configuration, and changes and additions (such as providing IP addresses to vendors and requesting new stanzas from OCLC)
  • Work with vendors as needed to resolve any technology access issues.
  • Facilitate the payment process (requesting invoices) with vendors promptly.
  • Discuss any daily problems that I may encounter with my supervisor, Mrs. Doris Johnson-Felder. 

Email examples of the above

From: Jackson, Stephanie C. <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 3:19 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: Databases Work Off Campus


Good afternoon Ms. Till,

I met you yesterday in the library when you helped me to access journals from SCSU's databases.  As promised, I checked to see if databases are working off-site.  Thank Goodness! It appears that they are working.  I have been able to access two of the databases today.  I hope that they will continue to be available off-site.


Thank you again for your assistance yesterday.


Stephanie Jackson

Graduate Student

Email examples of the above

From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 12:29 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>
Cc: Ham, Eric <>
Subject: Fw: offsite access
Good Morning Ashley,
Please check the off-campus database access today and let Mr. Ham know if everything is working.

Ruth A. Hodges, Ph.D.

Dean, Library & Information Services

South Carolina State University

P.O. Box 7491

300 College St., N.E.

Orangeburg, SC 29117

Phone: (803) 536-8638

From: Ham, Eric <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 10:55 AM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Subject: offsite access
can you have someone check the access from off campus to the library databases. let me know.

Eric Ham, M.ED 

Chief Information Officer
South Carolina State University

300 College Street, NE

Orangeburg, SC 29115 

Email from Dr. Johnson in the Education Department

From: Johnson, Yvonne <> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 10:44 PM To: Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: Thank you
Thanks for helping my class with Learning Express, yesterday!!  
Why Saying "Thank You" Matters - Crown Connect
Yvonne G. Johnson, EDD


Added Library hours and newsletter to Miller F. Whittaker Homepage as soon as requested by Dr. Hodges

From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 8:40 PM
To: Daniels, Avery <>; Till, Ashley L. <>; Keitt, Mykisha <>
Subject: Revision to Website


 Good Evening,


At your earliest convenience, please make the following revisions to the library's website, especially those pertaining to library hours, which impact the new website's library introductory page.


If you have any questions, please let me know.



Under Library Hours

A.  Monday through Thursday summer hours, add after 5:00 p.m. (building closed); 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Phone and Virtual Services)

Remove two asterisks in front of Friday and Saturday and place in front of Monday through Thursday hours. 

B. Put asterisk in front of Library Hours at top of the page. 

C. Add asterisk at bottom of page with following statement: Webform and Email Reference Services are available 24/7 hours for the submission of questions, which we will try to answer within two to three business days.

Note:  Section at bottom of page - Add space between area code and phone number.


3.  Deans and Directors’ Page

     Please add full year at end of each director’s tenure (e.g., 1959-1960)


4.  Research TAB — Remove HBCU Affordable Learning from under the RESEARCH tab


5.  Citation TAB —Link to “Chicago online.”

     Last link under Citation tab, change to “Zotero” . You can put (I believe "Citation 

     manager" should be listed in parentheses rather than a standalone link.

6.  Study spaces — Currently we have duplicate links (study spaces and reserve) - Change to Reserve a study space


7.  Get Latest Information

     There are two newsletters linked here.  Link these two newsletters to the other newsletters link on the library website.


Ruth A. Hodges, Ph.D.

Dean, Library & Information Services

South Carolina State University

P.O. Box 7491

300 College St., N.E.

Orangeburg, SC 29117

Phone: (803) 536-8638

Email examples of the above

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2024 2:26 PM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Strait, Juanita H. <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; McDonald, Beatrice E. <>; Keitt, Mykisha <>; Stokes, Stephanie <>; Cooper Mack, Cathi <>; Colter, Charlene <>
Cc: Till, Ashley L. <>; Barr, Jason <>
Subject: Room reservation on the library's website is working again

Good afternoon,


IT has resolved the room reservation issue with reserving the study/conference rooms online from our website. This is now working, thanks to Jason Barr in IT. 


Please let me know if you have any questions, Ms. Till


Ashley L. Till, MLIS

Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian

Miller F. Whittaker Library

South Carolina State University 

300 College Street, NE 

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117

Office: (803) 536-7191


Email examples of the above

DGC-Subscriptions <>


​Till, Ashley L.​

​Karemera, David;​Comtrade <>​

Mon 4/15/2024 3:35 PM

Dear  Ashley,

I am copying my colleagues from the UN Comtrade Team, and they will provide trial access as soon as possible.

Thank you and kind regards,

Mary Ann


Mary Ann O'Neill
Sales & Marketing Representative, United Nations Publications
Sales & Marketing Section

United Nations

Department of Global Communications
405 E. 42nd Street  |  S-11FWS001  |  New York, NY 10017  |  T: +1-212-963-8303  |  F: +1-917-367-0154 | E-mail:  |  The official source for United Nations books, data & more
SHOP.UN.ORG  |  The official source for United Nations books, data & more
UN-iLIBRARY.ORG  |  For global research and discovery

Twitter: @unpublications

Facebook: unpublications


From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Monday, 15 April, 2024 2:37 PM
To: DGC-Subscriptions <>
Cc: Karemera, David <>; Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: Trial of Comtrade database

Good afternoon,


Is it possible to do a trial of the Comtrade database? Our FTE is 3000+.


Thank you for your assistance, Ms. Till


Ashley L. Till, MLIS

Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian

Miller F. Whittaker Library

South Carolina State University 

300 College Street, NE 

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117

Office: (803) 536-7191


10. Indicate to what extent you speak and enunciate with clarity and proficiency, adhering to the conventions of spoken standard American English (6%)

Indicate to what extent you speak and enunciate with clarity and proficiency, adhering to the conventions of spoken standard American English (6%

I speak and enunciate with persons on a daily basis via in person, phone or emails and I always try to use the correct English. I speak in my native tongue, which is English, making sure that patrons understand.

II. Research, Scholarly, and Professional Development (15%)

1. Describe any new projects or enhancements to existing projects that you will develop within the current academic year (1%)

Describe any new projects or enhancement to existing projects that you will develop within current academic year (1%)

Incorporate a new educational tool Quizlet which is designed to engage the students in the learning process.

  • Quizzes, study materials, flashcards, etc. can be made by the instructor and students.
    • This approach engages the students to utilize their learned research skills to problem solve and reflect using other classroom assignments.
  • Introduce the LS 150 students to Coggle, a brainstorming/cluster map tool used to develop brainstorming maps. 
  • Attend the HBCU Radio Station Archives Project workshop.
  • The digitization Collegian newspapers for public use on the library's website, University of South Carolina digitization project, and the HBCU Alliance webpage. 
  • Use Contentdm to make the Collegians available for public use worldwide

Digitization of the Collegians Newspapers for pubic access

From: Daniels, Avery <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 11:43 AM
To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Cc: Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: Digitization Micro-Grant Press Release - DRAFT

Dr. Hodges,

Good morning.  Ashley and I have prepared a draft press release of the digitization micro-grant for the campus for your review.  Please make any necessary changes and forward to Sam Watson for dissemination to the campus.


Mr. Avery L. Daniels

Radio Preservation Project

From: Hodges, Ruth A. <>
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:30 PM To: Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: Fwd: Urgent Assistance Requested for HBCU Radio Preservation Pilot Project
Hi Ashley,
Are you available on March 24 (zoom meeting), April 26 (meeting), and April 27 (full day workshop) pertaining to the HBCU Radio Station Archives Project?
R Hodges
Good morning Dr. Hodges,
I am available on April 26 and 27th but not on March 24.
Thank you, Ashley

Using Contentdm to make Collegian newspapers available to the public via our website

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 10:28 AM
To: Rogers, Chrystel B. <>
Cc: Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Pete Balthazor <>; Strait, Juanita H. <>
Subject: Fw: CONTENTdm Annual Subscription – South Carolina State University (SGW) edits approved


Good morning,


The edits were approved for OCLC Contentdm. Please see the attached revised agreement.


Thank you, Ashley


Ashley L. Till, MLIS

Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian

Miller F. Whittaker Library

South Carolina State University 

300 College Street, NE 

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117

Office: (803) 536-7191


From: Phipps,Michelle <>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 6:21 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: CONTENTdm Annual Subscription – South Carolina State University (SGW) edits approved


Hi Ashley,

Your edits were approved and included in the attachment. Please sign and return and we will counter-sign a copy back to you.


Thanks and have a good weekend.


Michelle Phipps

OCLC · Inside Library Services Consultant, Library Services for Americas

6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio USA 43017

T +1-614-764-4301 · F +1-614-718-7145

2. Describe any new bibliographic instruction materials (e.g.tutorials, videotapes, audio tapes, PowerPoint, bibliographies, and guides to the literature, etc. that you will develop and/or introduce within the current academic year (1%)

Describe any new bibliographic instruction materials e,g,, tutorials, videotapes, audiotapes, PowerPoint, bibliographies, and guides to the literature, etc. that you will develop and/or introduce within the current academic year (1%)


  • Revise and update Libguides for English, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts to use for library instruction classes and for students and faculty to use as research guides.
  • Create Libguides for Literature and Military Science in the upcoming year for students and faculty to use in library instruction classes and for research.

3. List membership in organizations in your discipline (1%)

List membership in organizations in your discipline (1%)

South Carolina Library Association (SCLA)

Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL)

Membership listservs: PASCAL boot camp and Academic Libraries, Rialto Bootcamp



4. Describe any recent developments and advances in your discipline, and how you will remain informed through reading professional journals, magazines, and books (1%)

Describe any recent developments and advances in your discipline, and how you will remain informed through reading professional journals, magazines, and books (1%)

During this digital age as a faculty librarian there is advancement in a new programs in the following areas:

  • Open Electronic Resources (OER) - using open access electronic resources in the classroom to reduce student cost for textbooks.
  • The Roving Librarian- utilizing laptop computers to meet students where they are physically located outside of the reference area (study rooms, 2nd and 3rd floors of the library, dormitories, and student center, etc.)
  • Update all library instruction and LS 150 learning platforms designed to teach according to the Americans Disabilities using the ADA Compliance Checker. 

I will remain informed on library developments and articles by using database Academic Search Complete for the article below:

A Discipline-Based Approach to Information Literacy. By: Grafstein, Ann, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 00991333, Jul2002, Vol. 28, Issue 4

Summary: Ernest Buyer characterizes the U.S college library as a seriously underused and under-funded resource. He argues that the quality of higher education depends on the library becoming a central learning resource on campus. Patricia Senn Breivik and Gordon Gee contend that the integration of the library into the college curriculum, a closing of the gap between the library and the classroom, is an essential component in developing information-literate graduates. This supports the need to have classes such as LS 150 and also to integrate a library component University 101. In their view, libraries provide a model of the kind of information environment in which independent graduates and self-directed learners will be called on to function in an information society. It should be emphasized that in the approach advocated by Breivik and Gee the library does not bear the exclusive responsibility for IL. An effective program involves a shared responsibility among librarians, academic administration, and classroom faculty. This requires the higher administration and faculty to seriously understand the resources and services that university libraries offer. The authors support that though librarians have in one form or another been teaching IL for many years, these projects have met, and will continue to meet, with minimal success, as long as they are initiated solely by librarians and supported only within the confines of the library. The argument is that such programs can meet with success only when they are developed within an explicit statement of philosophy from the highest levels of academic administration that establishes IL as part of the educational mandate of the institution.

This article's application to our library includes how we need the support of the higher administration to support the library and encourage faculty and students to utilize the library resources to become lifelong learners and that we need it mandated to incorporate information literacy in University 101 and in the classrooms by librarian liaisons. Simply put, we need the faculty to welcome, support, and use library instruction throughout the classes they teach. We also need the higher administration to value the library and support the needs of the library. 


5. List current or previous professional offices held, service on a committee, or an editorial board of a scholarly organization or journal within the past three years (1%)

List current or previous professional offices held, service on a committee, or an editorial board of a scholarly organization or journal within the past three years (1%)


  • PASCAL's EDIA (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) Committee member.
  • SC State University's Information Technology Committee.
  • Requested to be a SC State student mentor, 4/15/2024.


6, List library holdings, subject bibliographies, pathfinders, and other finding aids you will complied/have compiled based on library resources within the current academic year (1%)

List library holdings, subject bibliographies, pathfinders, and other finding aids you will compile/have compiled based on library resources within the current academic year (1%)

  • Worked with PASCAL on technological updates to the Alma/Primo system (ongoing).
  • Support EZproxy Host Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and troubleshoot technology issues with them. 
  • Compiled Excel report of various subscriptions for indepth research to assist with budget defining duplicates, usage, and non-usage, and funding sources, etc. (see examples below)
  • Created Libguides for subject-specific areas (see examples below)
  • Assist the Music Department in the accreditation report by providing Library and Learning Resources for their report. 


Music Department Accreditation Report

Dingle, Rosetta
Wed 3/30/2022 10:58 AM
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 10:57 AM To: Dingle, Rosetta <> Cc: Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: Library Liaison for Music Department Accreditation Report
Good morning Dr. Dingle,
I'd like to introduce myself as the Library Liaison for Music Department and let you know that I will assist you with the library portion of your accreditation report by the April 12 deadline. Please let me know of any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Ashley Till
  • Till, Ashley L.
  • Johnson-Felder, Doris;
  • Speight, Jacqueline
Ms. Till,
Thank you for introducing yourself. We look forward to working with you as we prepare for accreditation visit. 

Rosetta Dingle, Ph.D.  

Examples of work migration of the Library's system from Millennium to Ex Libris (Alma/Primo) and support EZproxy Host Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

Till, Ashley L.

Hodges, Ruth A.

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request (#499509) about [External] Assistance with sign in for DIscus databases has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. If you would like to add further information to your query or have a question, please reply to this email or click on the ticket number link above.

Thank you, OCLC Support


excel spreadsheets

Platform Proprietary_ID Metric_Type Reporting_Period_Total
JSTOR No_License 219
JSTOR Searches_Regular 2325
JSTOR Total_Item_Investigations 1949
JSTOR Total_Item_Requests 1736
JSTOR Unique_Item_Investigations 1656
JSTOR Unique_Item_Requests 1457
JSTOR Unique_Title_Investigations 45
JSTOR Unique_Title_Requests 32

Music Department Accreditation Report

7. List paper, panels, exhibit, or other scholarly or creative work you completed within the past three years at the state, regional, or national levels (1%)

List paper, panel, exhibit or other scholarly or creative work you completed within the past three years at the state, regional or national levels

Assisted Avery Daniels on the event: Miller F. Whittaker Library 56th Anniversary exhibit. Available nationwide to library patrons. It is located in the two display cases and the wall on the first floor of the library. 

8. List paper, panel, exhibit, or scholarly or creative work you completed within the past three years on campus (1%)

List paper, panel, exhibit or other scholarly or creative work you completed within the past three years on campus

56 Year Miller F. Whittaker Library (MFWL) Celebration Exhibit, April 2024

Assisted in creating the Freshmen 101 Library PowerPoint 

Published Spring 2022 and Fall 2023 Library Newsletters 

Co-wrote grant with Avery Daniels for the  AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant

9. List articles(s) published in a refereed journal, professional magazine or newsletter, chapter(s) included in a book, or a technical report you published within the past three years (1%)

List articles(s) published in a refereed journal, professional magazine or newsletter, chapter(s) included in a book, or a technical report you published within the past three years (1%)

  • Editor for the Miller F. Whittaker Library Newsletter was created for Spring 2022, Fall 2023 (see below)
  • Created Excel usage reports for Library reporting, SACS, etc. (see below)
  • Updated Library website (see below)

Newsletter articles:

How to Successfully Advocate for OER on Your Campus Workshop Submitted by Ashley L. Till

On September 28 and 29, 2021, Avery L. Daniels, Doris Felder, Dr. Ruth A Hodges, Cathi Mack, and Ashley L. Till attended a virtual workshop titled “How to Successfully Advocate for OER on Your Campus” with presenter Mary Jo Fayoyin, retired dean of library from Savannah State University. OER stands for Open Educational Resources.

This two day workshop gave tips on how the Miller F. Whittaker Library can use Open Educational Resources at South Carolina State University (SC State) by presenting how an OER project was successfully implemented at Savannah State University (SSU). The workshop provided a framework on how our library could use SSU’s successful implementation of the OER initiative and apply it here at SC State. The workshop included exercises on identifying the primary and secondary stakeholders, including students, faculty, the campus bookstore, alumni, the Registrar's office, and the community. Librarians reviewed both the University and the library’s strategic plans, mission statements, goals, and objectives to use as guidelines for developing an OER on campus strategic plan to successfully advocate for OER at SC State. Librarians also learned the importance of developing credibility with library stakeholders by showcasing its personal skills and attributes, and by being relatively realistic about the deliverables. Ms. Fayoyin taught librarians about the importance of tapping into their passion in telling a story and finding the storytellers who are capable of emphasizing how important it is to have affordable resources on campus. One important piece of advice was to recruit students to help with the project, for example, asking the art department students to help design a logo or getting mass communications students to help with social media.

New Computers in the Library Submitted by Ashley L. Till

The Miller F. Whittaker Library is pleased to announce that we have twenty-one (21) new computers in the commons area of the library on the first floor. These computers do not require students to sign in, nor do students need to select a printer when using the computers. Thus, all of these computers are set for automatic login and print to the designated printers. The Reference personnel is available to assist patrons during this time. 

Computer Hours of Service::

Monday – Thursday 8:45 am to 9:45 pm

Friday 8:45 am to 4:45 pm

Saturday 12:15 pm to 4:45 pm

Sunday 3:15 pm to 8:45 pm

Usage reports


Institution  Institution Type Full-time equivalent FALL 2019 enrollment ProQuest Subscription Use  ProQuest Subscription Downloads ProQuest DDA Use ProQuest DDA Downloads  EBSCO Use EBSCO Downloads OXFORD UPSO Psychology Collection Use OXFORD UPSO Psychology Collection Downloads TOTAL Use PASCAL E-Books TOTAL Downloads PASCAL E-Books Use Per FTE - All PASCAL E-Books
South Carolina State University 4-year 2281 55 23 1 0 165 0 0 0 221 23 0.10

Updated Library Website

  • Added newsletters to the website.
  • Changed hours on the website.

10. List book(s) or monograph(s) authored or co-authored, grants, manuscripts, books reviewed or edited, annotated bibliographies, compilations, and/or library holdings you will prepare/have prepared for accrediting teams within the past three years (1%)

List book(s) or monograph(s) authored or co-authored, grants, manuscripts, books reviewed or edited, annotated bibliographies, compilations, and/or library holdings you will prepare/have prepared for accrediting teams within the past three years (1%)

Awarded the AUC Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant, Please see email below::

From: Keondra Bills Freemyn <> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:17 PM To: Till, Ashley L. <>; Daniels, Avery <>; Malone, Elbert R. <> Cc: Lae'l Hughes-Watkins <>; Andrea Jackson Gavin <>; Lae'l Hughes-Watkins <> Subject: Re: AUC Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant Application (SCSU)
Dear Mr. Elbert Malone, Ms. Ashley Till, and Mr. Avery Daniels, Thank you for submitting your project for consideration for an AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant, funded through the generous support of Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. We are excited to share that your project, SC State Student Newspaper Collection, has been selected for an award of $16,000. The review committee was inspired by the project description and clear commitment to ethical documentation of student activism. We look forward to supporting your work. 
In the coming weeks, we will follow up with an official award letter, press release, and details about the administrative process. As we are still in the process of notifying recipients, we ask that details about the award not be shared publicly. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with additional questions or concerns. Congratulations, on behalf of the grant selection committee! Warm Regards,
keondra bills freemyn (she/her)
Project STAND Coordinator
University of Maryland Libraries Special Collections and University Archives


Music Department Accreditation Report

Wed 3/30/2022 10:58
From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 10:57 AM To: Dingle, Rosetta <> Cc: Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Till, Ashley L. <> Subject: Library Liaison for Music Department Accreditation Report
Good morning Dr. Dingle,
I'd like to introduce myself as the Library Liaison for Music Department and let you know that I will assist you with the library portion of your accreditation report by the April 12 deadline. Please let me know of any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Ashley Till
Ashley L. Till, MLIS


Till, Ashley L.
Johnson-Felder, Doris; Speight, Jacqueline
Ms. Till,
Thank you for introducing yourself. We look forward to working with you as we prepare for accreditation visit. 

Rosetta Dingle, Ph.D. 

Music Department Accreditation Report 2023

11. List grant(s) applied for, received, ongoing work on a funded project and or/ research you conducted on a grant within the past three years (1%)

List grant(s) applied for, received, ongoing work on a funded project and or/ research you conducted on a grant within the past three years (1%)

AUC Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Grant

From: Keondra Bills Freemyn <> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:17 PM To: Till, Ashley L. <>; Daniels, Avery <>; Malone, Elbert R. <> Cc: Lae'l Hughes-Watkins <>; Andrea Jackson Gavin <>; Lae'l Hughes-Watkins <> Subject: Re: AUC Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant Application (SCSU)
Dear Mr. Elbert Malone, Ms. Ashley Till, and Mr. Avery Daniels, Thank you for submitting your project for consideration for an AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant, funded through the generous support of Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. We are excited to share that your project, SC State Student Newspaper Collection, has been selected for an award of $16,000. The review committee was inspired by the project description and clear commitment to ethical documentation of student activism. We look forward to supporting your work. 
In the coming weeks, we will follow up with an official award letter, press release, and details about the administrative process. As we are still in the process of notifying recipients, we ask that details about the award not be shared publicly. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with additional questions or concerns. Congratulations, on behalf of the grant selection committee! Warm Regards,
keondra bills freemyn (she/her)
Project STAND Coordinator
University of Maryland Libraries Special Collections and University Archives

 CCAHA Preservation Needs Assessment grant

  • Served on the CCAHA Preservation Needs Assessment grant to assist Avery Daniels and Dr. Ruth Hodges as I am the former archivist at SC State University.

OER Workshop

Coordinated the OER workshop for our librarians with Mary Jo Fayoyin:

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 3:09 PM
To: Mary Jo Fayoyin <>
Subject: Re: Meeting Information


Thank you Mary Jo, I look forward to the workshop next week! See you then, Ashley


Ashley L. Till, MLIS

Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian

Miller F. Whittaker Library

South Carolina State University 

300 College Street, NE 

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117

Office: (803) 536-7191


From: Mary Jo Fayoyin <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 2:57 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>; <>
Subject: Meeting Information


Hello Ashley,

Great talking with you today.  Here is the information for the zoom meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday:


MaryJo Fayoyin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: SCSU OER Webinar 

Time: Sep 28, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

        Every day, 2 occurrence(s)

        Sep 28, 2021 02:00 PM

        Sep 29, 2021 02:00 PM

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.



Join Zoom Meeting

12. List professional meeting(s), course(s), workshop(s), seminar(s), and/or institute in your discipline you will attend within the current academic year (2%)

List professional meeting(s), course(s), workshop(s), seminar(s), and/or institute in your discipline you will attend within the current academic year (2%)



A. Numerous vendor webinars and trainings.

B. PASCAL's Electronic Resources Librarian training.


13. List non-funded project(s), programs(s), research, workshop(s) and speaking engagements(s) conducted, and/or audio-visual materials, etc. you developed within the past three years (2%)

List non-funded project(s), programs(s), research, workshop(s) and speaking engagements(s) conducted, and/or audio-visual materials, etc. you developed within the past three years (2%)

A. Presentor at 2023 National Library Week on the AVON database


OER Student Survey

A. OER discussion and student feedback board for students with Cathi Cooper Mack: Ms. Mack and I solicited students for feedback on which classes they want to use of free textbooks (OER resources). See the email below.

B. Evaluation Survey for Freshmen Orientation

From: Cooper Mack, Cathi <> Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 1:35 PM To: Stokes, Stephanie <> Cc: Till, Ashley L. <>; Hodges, Ruth A. <> Subject: Sign for Boards
Please Tell Us What Textbooks You Want For Free!!
​Instructions: Please list the Title, Author, Edition and Class Title/Section on the Post-It (e.g., Business Policy and Strategy, Chris Chatfield..., 7th Edition - Class Title-Business Policy/Section 4)
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Cathi and Ashley

1. List committees served on to in the library (1%)

List committees served on to in the library (1%)

  • Collection Development and Acquisition
  • Distance and Continuing Education
  • Grant Development, Co-Chair
  • Instruction and Library Tours
  • Library Newsletter, Chair
  • Office and Library Technology, Chair

2. List committees served on, or requested to serve on, and contributed to at the University (1%)

List committees served on, or requested to serve on, and contributed to at the University (1%)

University Technology Committee

3. List services and/or contributions as an advisor, volunteer, or contributor to student organizations (1%)

List services and/or contributions as an advisor, volunteer, or contributor to student organizations (1%)

  • Team player in a collaborative diverse work environment.
  • Work with students on oral and written communication skills.
  • Assist students in utilizing analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Commitment to user-centered services and service excellence.
  • Proof-read papers for students.
  • Taught LS 150 during the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters. 

4. List library and/or departmental meetings you attended on a regular basis and contributions you made to the effective operation of the department (1%)

List library and/or departmental meetings you attended on a regular basis and contributions you made to the effective operation of the department (1%)

  • Librarian's meetings
  • Library Personnel meetings
  • Contributions to the effective operation of the department included being a team player, working well with my co-workers, and using my personal and professional skills to be a part of an effective operation of the department.

5. List activities you participated in to promote and/or represent the University (e.g., recruitment of students) (1%)

List activities you participated in to promote and/or represent the University (e.g., recruitment of students) (1%)

  • Provided Introduction to the library overview and library tours for prospective students, 2023 and 2024.
  • Participated in National Library Week (2023)
  • Participated in the Celebration of the Miller F. Whittaker's 56 Anniversary event by handing out programs and helping to facilitate the live recording of the live event on the University's homepage. 

6. List awards, letters, honors, and fellowships you received in recognition of outstanding achievement (1%)

List awards, letters, honors, and fellowships you received in recognition of outstanding achievement (1%)

7. List library-faculty activities (e.g. conferences, workshops, programs, meetings, receptions, etc.. you attended (1%)

List library-faculty activities (e.g. conferences, workshops, programs, meetings, receptions, etc.. you attended (1%)

Workshops, Conferences, Trainings, Webinars attended in 2023-2024


Spring 2023 eFellows Online Teaching Certificate course

PASCAL/WSJ HBCU Program Overview

Promoting Equity in Information Literacy Instruction Through Universal Design for Learning

University Honors and Awards Convocation

Leading the Way for Information Literacy: Planning, Promotion, and Policy

Academic Video Online Tutorial

Nexis Uni Demo

Artstor User Group Meeting

Faculty meetings (Ongoing monthly)

Academic Libraries and Mental Health

Contentdm discovery call with SC State University

Behavior Change Coaching Initial (Ashley Till) with Summit Coaching, Shelby

Meeting with vendor Richard Haury/Database trial

PeMento and the Power of Peer Mentoring

New phone training Moss Hall

Updating Your AZ Database Page

EDIA Committee Meetings (Ongoing monthly)

Project Muse Journal Pricing for SC State meeting

Library Personnel Meetings (Ongoing)

Fall 2023 Faculty Insititute

General Assembly

What's New with LibGuides?

Dr. Perkins Library Instruction E 302 Advanced Composition Library Instruction class

Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Training

USPTO’S Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs) (Ongoing)

Enhancing your library’s collections: Insights, collaborations, and future trends

Flirting with AI: Spend Some Interactive Time Exploring New Apps and Tools for Research

EDIA meeting with PASCAL Board and staff

Vendor demo meeting

PASCAL General meeting

Faculty Development Institute

Transforming Librarianship to Model Neuroinclusion in Libraries

Library Advocacy Work is Relationship Building Work: A Panel Discussion

Harnessing the power of primary sources: How libraries empower innovative teaching strategies

Get the Full Picture: Gathering Your ProQuest Resources

Defending Diversity II: The Challenges and Opportunities for DEIA Positions in Libraries

Miller F. Whittaker Library 56 Anniversary Celebration

Annual Honors and Awards Convocation 2024

Proving your library as a critical asset: Aligning library spending with your institution's academic programs

Recruiting to the Profession: The LIS Pipeline and How We Can Help

8. List special administrative tasks you performed for the department, the library, and/or the University without compensation (2%)

List special administrative tasks you performed for the department, the library, and/or the University without compensation (2%)

Provided the Dean with data analytics for the Dean's IPEDs, ACRL Benchmarking, and related reports. 

9. List services and contributions you made to community organizations (e.g., educational, cultural, religious, etc.) (2%)

List services and contributions you made to community organizations (e.g., educational, cultural, religious, etc.) (2%)

  • Participate in a Orangeburg community book club.
  • Member of historical fiction book club
  • Yoga instructor at MOVE studio
  • CASA volunteer (Citizens Against Sexual Abuse)

10. Describe services you provided as a resource person, consultant, tutor, mentor, etc. for a University or community organization (2%)

Describe services you provided as a resource person, consultant, tutor, mentor, etc. for a University or community organization (2%)

Services provided as a resource person:

Utilize analytical and problem solving skills to IT department:

From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 12:27 PM
To: Helpme <>
Cc: Barr, Jason <>
Subject: Re: Ucits Helpdesk for Ticket #24716] Jason Barr wrote a Reply


This is the login page URL to test the CAS server:


Ashley L. Till, MLIS

Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian

Miller F. Whittaker Library

South Carolina State University 

300 College Street, NE 

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117

Office: (803) 536-7191



From: Till, Ashley L. <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 12:25 PM
To: Helpme <>
Cc: Barr, Jason <>
Subject: Re: Ucits Helpdesk for Ticket #24716] Jason Barr wrote a Reply


Hi Jason,


Is this what you are asking for below?


Hi, Ashley,

Thanks for reaching out to Springshare. Sorry for the trouble here! This looks like an issue with your local SSO. If you haven't already, please get in touch with your IT department to see if there are issues with, or if anything has recently changed with, your SSO login system.

For a bit more context, you have LibAuth set up in LibApps, under Admin > LibAuth Authentication. You're using a CAS type configuration. When going in to view/edit this configuration, if you click the Test button, we see the same error as you get when trying to book a space: 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. (You have this LibAuth configuration set up to be used when booking at your Miller F. Whittaker Library Location in Spaces, as shown next to the Activate LibAuth field.)

We have guidance here: LibAuth: Test and troubleshoot a CAS configuration — but if this is a sudden problem, it'll be best to start with your IT team, to ask about the status of your SSO.

I hope this helps! Reach out again if more questions pop up. I'm happy to help.🙂

Springy Support


Ashley L. Till, MLIS

Electronic Resources Librarian/Reference Librarian

Miller F. Whittaker Library

South Carolina State University 

300 College Street, NE 

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117

Office: (803) 536-7191


From: ITSupportServices <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 12:19 PM
To: Till, Ashley L. <>
Subject: Ucits Helpdesk for Ticket #24716] Jason Barr wrote a Reply


--------------- Please reply above this line ---------------

Jason Barr wrote a reply in  Fw: [Support] Reserving Room option not working.


Hi, Ashley,

What is the Springshare URL for the CAS login and logout?


Click here to view request



The UCITS Support Team

Team player in a collaborative work environment:

Attend faculty meetings monthly, General Assembly and Faculty Workshops (Team player)

Train students and faculty on how to use databases

Service mainly provided to LS 150 students, library instruction sessions to faculty and staff and assistance to graduate students off-campus. 


Contacted Tyrone Clinton (SSRP) about being a mentor as soon as possible.

11. List activities you need to promote the use of library resources, services, and programs among students, faculty, staff, and community users (2%)

List activities you need to promote the use of library resources, services, and programs among students, faculty, staff, and community users (2%)

  • Created subject-specific Libguides for the English Department, Visual and Performing Arts Departments. These were created to highlight library resources and provide information on research for students and faculty.
  • Serve as a reference librarian for students, faculty, staff and community users.
  • Chair for the Library's newsletter.
  • Assist community patrons and students in the Reference department with the new paper-cut printing system and computer issues.
  • Assist students in the computer lab and the Smart classroom.
  • Serve as the Electronic Resources Librarian: facilitating new database trials, requesting quotes and invoices from vendors, processing all vendor contracts, and troubleshooting paper delivery issues.
  • Provide library instruction classes.

IV. Niche Area (10%)

IV. Niche Area (10%)

  • Database Administrator for the online databases updates and maintenance.
  • Online Tool Utilization of the Bowler RCL Book Analysis System to analyze our Library's; collection against Resources for College Libraries 
  • Ordered books to add to the library's collection for my liaison area.
  • Troubleshooting for off-campus database access for students and faculty.
  • Facilitate the trial of new databases as requested.
  • Take Continuing Education courses.

Continuing Education Courses

Fundamentals of Electronic Resources Acquistions 10/17/2022 to 11/11/2022
Spring 2023 eFellows Online Teaching Certificate course 3/5 to 4/2/2023

Trial Databases

From: Till, Ashley L. <> Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 12:06 PM To: Hodges, Ruth A. <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <>; Cooper Mack, Cathi <>; Daniels, Avery <>; Strait, Juanita H. <>; Stokes, Stephanie <>; Keitt, Mykisha <>; McDonald, Beatrice E. <> Subject: New trial database: Scopus
Hello, please share with students and staff that we have a trial database called ScopusScopus provides enriched data with a comprehensive, expertly curated abstract and citation database and linked scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. Quickly find relevant and trusted research, identify experts, and access reliable data, metrics, and analytical tools for confident research strategy decisions – all from one database and one subscription. Scopus offers the broadest, most integrated coverage of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources across the sciences, technology, medicine (STM), as well as social sciences and arts & humanities (A&H). Titles in Scopus are classified under four broad subject clusters (life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences and social sciences & humanities), which are further divided into 27 major subject areas and 300+ minor subject areas. The trial ends on March 7, 2023. 
Thank you, Ashley 

Collection Development

Till, Ashley L.


 Colter, Charlene

Cooper Mack, Cathi

Tue 10/4/2022 3:18 PM

Good afternoon,

I was able to access Gobi and set up folders. I selected items to add to my folders, they are all ebooks. Please let if you need anything else from me to order the books. 

Thank you, Ashley

Database Administrator for the online databases updates and maintenance 

Troubleshooting for off-campus database access

From: Till, Ashley L. <> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 1:51 PM To: Trepal, Amy <>; Johnson-Felder, Doris <> Subject: Off-campus access is now working
Good afternoon Amy and Doris,
The Mometrix off-campus access appears to be working now!
Ashley L. Till, MLIS

V. Service Load Adjustment (2%)

Service Load Adjustment

 AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant

The AUC grant is affiliated with the Project STAND (Student Activism Now Documented), a project focusing on student activism, past and present. As indicated on the Project’s website, student organizers from communities of color are often the heartbeat of social movements that lead to transformative justice.  Evidence of SC State students’ struggle for racial equality and social justice is seen in the Collegian as early as 1946.  During the 1960s, student protests and other events led to the Orangeburg Massacre in 1968, a story still being told. 

SC State’s participation in this grant provides the opportunity for digitization and virtual dissemination of student newspapers. This will allow the student’s story to be told from the student’s own perspective, as they strived for social justice for people of color.  Maximum funding offered by the Digital Flowers project is $15,000. This project may serve as a catalyst to obtain additional funding for digitization of the entire Orangeburg Massacre Collection.

Dear Mr. Elbert Malone, Ms. Ashley Till, and Mr. Avery Daniels, Thank you for submitting your project for consideration for an AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library and Project STAND Digitization Microgrant, funded through the generous support of Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. We are excited to share that your project, SC State Student Newspaper Collection, has been selected for an award of $16,000. The review committee was inspired by the project description and clear commitment to ethical documentation of student activism. We look forward to supporting your work. 

In the coming weeks, we will follow up with an official award letter, press release, and details about the administrative process. As we are still in the process of notifying recipients, we ask that details about the award not be shared publicly. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with additional questions or concerns. Congratulations, on behalf of the grant selection committee! Warm Regards,


HBCU Radio Preservation Pilot Project

The WYSO Archives Hosts the HBCU Radio Preservation Project

Historically Black Colleges/Universities (HBCU) radio stations have both participated in and documented the African American experience, including the Civil Rights era. There are currently 104 HBCUs, and of those, 29 have active radio stations. In thirteen states and the District of Columbia, the stations are as diverse as HBCUs themselves: they are public/private, large/small, rural/urban, and range in geography from the Deep South to the Midwest, from the Eastern Seaboard to the Great Plains. Many of these stations have been in existence for decades, and their obsolete magnetic media are deteriorating; we stand to lose forever this primary source material reflecting the diversity of the Black experience over time. In addition, born digital material is also at risk, due in part to its sheer volume; it also has specific preservation needs. There is no database or easily accessed, comprehensive information on any historical materials that HBCU radio stations might hold.

Phase II Pilot Project activities include:

  • completion of the initial survey and site visits to HBCU campuses
  • training for radio station staff, volunteers, and alumni in oral history to gather the stories of HBCU radio stations
  • training in using historical audio in production
  • training via workshops/webinars for radio station staff and institutional archivist on audio preservation and digital preservation;
  • collections-level assessments of audio collections at radio stations on pilot campuses;
  • shadowing opportunities for HBCU students to participate in the training and to observe how the collections-level assessments are conducted; 
  • helping radio station staff and institutional archivists create audio collections preservation plans;
  • coaching pilot participants to leverage their assessment report to support grant applications and funding requests;
  • helping radio station staff and institutional archivists create disaster plans using dPlan;
  • performing one audio preservation pilot project per pilot campus;
  • organizing and convening a project workshop for pilot participants and future collaborators; and
  • planning for Phase III--an anticipated follow-on, full-scale implementation project that will be made available to all HBCU radio stations and their campus archives. 

CCAHA Preservation Needs Assessment

National Preservation Program: Preservation Needs Assessment and Preservation Plan

This program is open to institutions with humanities collections that are available to the public on a regularly scheduled basis located anywhere in the United States. Through funding from the NEH, CCAHA is able to offer a limited number of subsidized assessments for a total of just $500 each

Participation in this program requires a two-year commitment. In the first year, the institution will be assigned an assessor, who will work with the institution over the course of the program. The assessor will require access to institutional policies, procedures, plans, and other information. During the first year, the assessor will schedule a time to visit the institution and conduct a preservation needs assessment. The preservation needs assessment process encompasses a general evaluation of the institution's preservation needs for their collections and includes: environment (temperature, relative humidity, pollution, and light), housekeeping, pest control, fire protection, security, and disaster preparedness; collection storage, handling, exhibition, and treatment; and preservation planning. The site visit consists of a review of the facility conducted by a CCAHA preservation expert, an examination of the collections, and interviews with relevant staff. The written report provides observations, recommendations, and resources to serve as a guide in the development of a comprehensive preservation plan for the collections.

In the second year, the assessor will then work with the institution to develop a three-five-year preservation plan for their collections. A preservation plan provides a strategic framework for advancing preservation and collections care initiatives. The preservation plan will address: institutional policies and procedures; collection development policies and priorities; emergency preparedness and response; environmental conditions and monitoring (temperature, relative humidity, light, pests, and mold); storage furniture and materials; security; housekeeping; staffing; financial resources; repair and conservation treatment needs; reformatting options (microfilming, photoduplication, photocopying, and digital imaging); and exhibition needs. The plan will include timetables with benchmarks and assign responsibilities.

VI. Improvement Plan (if applicable)