Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with curricular areas such as Political Science, English, Sociology, Humanities, Business, International Studies and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national, and local news sources. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Get the detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs.
Some of ChiltonLibrary's more popular features include:
Maintenance and specification tables that provide the unique data you need for each specific vehicle.
Step-by-step service and repair procedures, and labor estimating tool to help you confidently determine your next move.
Vacuum diagrams to simplify troubleshooting.
Labor Estimating Tool.
Wiring diagrams to help explain system operation.
Close-up photographs and illustrations for visual support.
ASE test prep quizzes for the most popular certification exams.
A print button which allows you to easily print out what is needed.
Includes ASE test prep quizzes
Updated monthly with the latest information from vehicle manufacturers
Mobile-device compatibility to look at diagrams and videos for DIY car repairs
Vehicle search for labor estimation, bulletins, and safety recalls
Video library of auto repair subjects
Troubleshooting guides
Step by step service and repair information
DIY database of leading full-text hobby and craft magazines, hobby profiles, recipes and videos
Subjects Include: arts and crafts, cooking and baking, holiday crafts, home and garden, needlecrafts, and more
Detailed "how to" instructions and creative do-it-yourself ideas